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Table of Contents - Volume 22, Issue 6 - 11 June 1998
Complete issue - 11 June 1998 - PDF file 308KB
- Arboviruses in the Australian region
(John MacKenzie, Annette Broom, Roy Hall, Cheryl Johansen, Michael Lindsay, Debra Phillips, et al)
- also available as a - PDF file 69KB
- Ross River virus infection in the north-west outskirts of the Sydney basin
(Janaki Amin, Linda Hueston, Dominic Dwyer, Anthony Capon)
- also available as a - PDF file 31KB
- A presumptive case of fatal Murray Valley encephalitis acquired in Alice Springs
(Anthony Merritt, Debra Phillips, Ian Carney, Peter Whelan)
- also available as a - PDF file 21KB
- Dengue of Kokobera? A case report from the Top End of the Northern Territory
(Jackie Mien, Kerry-Ann O'Grady, Peter Whelan, Angela Merianos)
- also available as a - PDF file 26KB
- Three cases of dengue 1 virus infection from islands in the Gulf of Thailand
(E Geoffrey Playford, Debra Phillips, David Looke, Michael Whitby)
- also available as a - PDF file 30KB
- Dengue 3 in Cairns: the story so far
- also available as a - PDF file 24KB
- A case of infant botulism in South Australia
- also available as a - PDF file 16KB
- Current issues in immunisation
- also available as a - PDF file 20KB
- Letter to the editor
- also available as a - PDF file 12KB
- Communicable Diseases Surveillance
- Highlights
- also available as a - PDF file 50KB
- Tables
- also available as a - PDF file 63KB
- Additional reports
- also available as a - PDF file 42KB
- Highlights
- Dengue overseas
- also available as a - PDF file 14KB
- Overseas briefs
- also available as a - PDF file 14KB
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